The Living Christ

I wanted to share my testimony; but in a different way than just expressing what i know to be true. I wanted to talk about Jesus Christ, and our Father in Heaven. I'll start by saying-- Jesus Christ died for me, but he is still living. He lives, and loves, he saves and comforts. "where justice and mercy meet." -- Jeffery R. Holland this is a good read and i encourage you to read this. I think that sometimes, our testimonies lean towards Jesus Christ. I think that sometimes we tend to think that we know and have a relationship with Christ, more than Heavenly Father. But we must always remember that what Christ has done, our father has done also. That Jesus Christ is a direct reflection of our Father in Heaven. Moses 7: 35 "Behold, I am God; Man of Holiness is my name; Man of Cousel is my name; and Endless and Eternal is my name, also." This is one of my favorite scriptures; because in one verse, it expresses all that my Heavenly Father repre...