moments of loneliness are moments of a greater love than we know of.
I’ve come to learn and know, that in the moments we feel
most alone, the moments that feel the darkest; are the moments that we learn
how truly loved, how most definitely not alone we really are. There have been trials
in my life that I tend to stubbornly believe I am alone in it. Trials that test
my patience, my faith and my ability to surrender unto my Savior. Trials that
leave me heartbroken and unable to stand. But the most important thing that I have
gained through these times, and the loved ones that continually surround me. Open
arms, ears and hearts. Ready to love me to the fullest of their abilities. I’ve
always known that God gives us people that he knows we need. I can testify of
many times I have been given an angel, to help me through my journey; which
leads me to the story of Brandon. The words that Brandon speaks to me, makes my
heart and soul bleed. Not bleed in a dying kind of way. But a dying because of
those glorious words that have filled my heart and mind with such clarity. You’ve
probably never felt this way, but I can tell you what a spectacular feeling it
is. I do realize that there is quite a lot to read here, but i promise that you will enjoy it.
I just wanted to say a few words of some interesting things I’ve
been learning recently. I totally understand the sentiment you expressed in
regards to feeling like you have to act like someone you are not in order for
them to accept you more. That
, my friend, is a very valid worry. Not
unreasonable at all. You ARE a different person now than you were before!!
Before you knew this glorious gospel, before you prayed to know if it was true,
before you received answers, before you were baptized, before you learned so
much more about and grew so much closer to father. You were different then than
you are now. Of course you were! And that, Cheyenne, is not a bad thing. That is
quite the opposite. That is the best thing in this world. Now. How does this
look to people from an outside perspective? Probably confusing. Maybe feeling
like a sort of familiar betrayal. Maybe misunderstanding. Think about it this
way. What if, Cheyenne, your little sister decided to up and join a radical new
organization that many people didn’t know much about? What if she started going
to regular weekly meetings there with fellow group- members where they talked
amongst themselves about who knows what and entering in houses that are only
open to those specific members of the group? Surly, and understandably, you
would be wa bit worried for her. What’s she doing/ what are they teaching her?
Why is she going? Ect/ What if later you came to find out that this entire time
she has been taking part in community work, aiding those in need, serving
people? She just didn’t go around spouting off to everyone she met her good
deeds. And neither did anyone else part of the group, so no one really knew for
that reason what it was. However, was it good? Yes. Did it make her life more
meaningful? Yes. Was she helping people and growing herself? Yes. Why didn’t
she quit? Because she knew it was right and that she was making a difference in
the lives of many, including her own. This is you, Cheyenne. Your parents are
worried about you because they love you. They love you so very much and for
that reason want the very best for you. They just cannot see fully, at the moment,
which the path you are moving along brings far greater happiness than anything
they've ever experienced. So how can they know?? Try to think of a new color.
Go on. One that doesn’t exist to your knowledge and that you’ve never seen. How’d
that work out? You couldn’t, of course. You have no comparison, no point of
reference, it’s impossible because you cannot imagine anything other or better
than what you have already experienced. There are many great colors in the
world. They’re beautiful. But did you know we can only see just a tiny itty bitty
fraction of the light spectrum? The colors we see in the rainbow make up just a
tiny percentage of the many forms of light that exist. Imagine that. This is
what your parents are experiencing right now. They’re seeing red, blue, yellow,
green, etc…. while you’ve learned to be able to see ultraviolet light and
infrared light. Not a perfect example but it works sufficiently I believe to
illuminate my purposes, Also. A little word on internal balance and discord vs
accord. I’ve come to learn, Cheyenne, that when we fight on a deep, emotional,
spiritual level who we are or are trying to become, when that is good’ when we
try to suppress certain parts of our personalities or hide certain character
traits that we personally love. But feel that certain others might not like, we
create tension and discord in our spirits. We know, from doctrine and
covenants, that all spirit is matter. It is not some intangible, fleeting
presence. But rather something very real and just as if we twist an ankle and
experience pain or discomfort, it is this way with our spirits. If we push back
or repress beautiful parts of ourselves to try and cater to others, we are
twisting our own ankles spiritually, if you will. And this leads to feelings of
discord. Sad emotions or stress. The mind, body and the spirit are all
perfectly connected, and if they all are not receiving proper care or
nourishment, we suffer as a whole. I recently had an experience with the family
of my girlfriend. I due to a false conception on my part of who I thought they
were and what I thought they were like, wasn’t really myself around them. I
didn’t feel like I really changed myself drastically. I just wasn’t fully me. And
they noticed that. People can tell. I’ve come a long way since then, and have
improved so much just by allowing my true character to shine. There is a reason
god blesses us with specific charter traits, personalities and talents. He expects
us to use them. And when we don’t, even when we just hold back, our spirits cry
out. They experience sadness or pain. Maybe even anger. Because we are so much
more than what we sometimes allow ourselves to be. Alex Boye said once in an
interview, “We’re gods in embryo!!” that’s something we tend to forget so
often. God had already blessed us with all of the resources, talents, and blessings
we need to be able to succeed. They will always be available to us in times or
need. And really, we are always in need. So Cheyenne, it’s hard. I understand. This
life is full of trials and oftentimes terrible difficulties. But it is also
beautiful. The gospel is beautiful. People are beautiful. Human relations are
beautiful. Nature is beautiful. Architecture, art, music, all these things and
more all have elements of divine beauty transparent in them. All for us. This is
how much father loves us. Remember, Cheyenne that you are in your personal life
situation because father knows you can and will succeed there. And that there
are many along your path that you can help, lift, raise and teach. What have
you gained, Cheyenne, from learning more about Christ’s gospel? How have you
changed? Surly only in good praiseworthy ways. So why not show this to your
family? Why not show them the happiness, joy and soul satisfaction you receive
from father from learning about and following his teachings? It’s scary. It
most definitely is. I know that. But trust in him, allow your true self to
shine forth and watch the results. I know that it will help. Keep your family’s
perspectives in mind and be conscious of how they think and act. But show them
by your actions and attitudes who you really are. They will see the good that
is arising in you from joining the church. Even if it takes a while. They will
recognize it. I say this because I have seen it happen in the lives of
countless people. On my mission. Remind me to tell you some time the conversion
story of my dear grandma. She is an inspiring woman. She went against all of
her family and friends in joining the church, and lost all of them for a time. They
later accepted her and even began to be converted by her. And now, thanks to
her, Cheyenne, her faith and determination and trust in the lord… I, my brother
and sisters, my parents, all my mom’s siblings and their kids, all of my cousins
are members of this church. We all have this knowledge thanks to her. So be
strong. Keep your faith in the lord. He will provide. Trust in him. Trust in
what your spirit tells you. Listen to it. It will not lead you astray. You are
a miraculous, lovely, inspirational daughter of our father in Heaven, Christ’s
beloved sister, and a goddess in embryo. You, Cheyenne, have a great life and
work ahead of you. Keep on. “Shall we not go on in such great a cause?” –Joseph
What i realized was, that once upon a time, I looked at this trial as such a blessing. not just a blessing, but a gorgeous blessing that I out of all people, got to be the leader in this journey in my family and future family. And recently, I have taken advantage of what I used to love about this trial of mine, I have degraded it, and stomped on it; all because of how hard it has become. Brandon helped to remind me how glorious my journey and my trials are. He helped remind me that this trial, it is actually a great one, not easy, but great. Great because of the fact that I out of many of God's creations, I get to be the instrument to many of my own family members. How many others can say that THEY converted their family? How many others can say that the fight to stay with this gospel that I know so positively to be true, has been a fight of their lifetime? And the fight of my lifetime, it has torn me, broken me, blinded me, stepped on me and tested me; but it has also lifted me, raised me and built me so much stronger, more beautiful, happier and more valuable than I could have ever imagined becoming. That folks, is because of an Almighty GOD, a God that makes us better than we are alone, A God that raises us to our highest potential, if only we allow him to take us there.
One of my newest most favorite scriptures: ".... I WOULD THAT HE SHOULD REMEMBER, AND ALWAYS RETAIN IN REMEMBRANCE, THE GREATNESS OF GOD, AND YOUR OWN NOTHINGNESS, AND HIS GOODNESS AND LONG- SUFFERING TOWARDS YOU." Mosiah 4: 11 Because truly, we are NOTHINGNESS without him. oh how real that has hit me lately. I am absolutely nothing without my Lord. nothing. zero. He is my everything. And I am more than his everything. I love him with all of my heart. And he loves me with more than all of his heart.
If this does help lift your spirits in some way, I hope that it will and can inspire you.
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