moments of loneliness are moments of a greater love than we know of.
I’ve come to learn and know, that in the moments we feel most alone, the moments that feel the darkest; are the moments that we learn how truly loved, how most definitely not alone we really are. There have been trials in my life that I tend to stubbornly believe I am alone in it. Trials that test my patience, my faith and my ability to surrender unto my Savior. Trials that leave me heartbroken and unable to stand. But the most important thing that I have gained through these times, and the loved ones that continually surround me. Open arms, ears and hearts. Ready to love me to the fullest of their abilities. I’ve always known that God gives us people that he knows we need. I can testify of many times I have been given an angel, to help me through my journey; which leads me to the story of Brandon. The words that Brandon speaks to me, makes my heart and soul bleed. Not bleed in a dying kind of way. But a dying because of those glorious words that have filled my heart and mind with s...