doubt-- but do not fear. i've had doubts lately, and in the beginning, i was even ashamed to announce that. But i realized just how human i really am, and that being human, comes with doubting ourselves. as many of you know, i was baptized two years and five months ago. May 18, 2013. and i've embraced it, cherished it, and loved it beyond anything that i've ever loved in this life. it was something that i always talked about, always prayed for, and always embraced, i wouldn't ever stop thinking about church, the book of mormon, my elder boys, or even the missionary discussions. it got to the point that it all consumed who i was, and who i had become. and i loved that. somedays though, more lately than normal, satan kicks me straight in the face. making me doubt, and question everything that i have learned, been taught and come to have a strong testimony of for myself. some...