i am a mormon.

this blog post may or may not be all over the place.

but i guess, we'll start with the negative things. so we can end with the positive things.

this week, i was reminded that the adversary (Satan) is real.
i was reminded that he will do anything in his power to break me,
not only to break me, but to take everything i've worked for away from me in a blink of an eye.
SATAN: he is powerful, he is strong, he is smart, he is manipulative, he is the devil, and he is the absolute worst thing to ever exist.

this week i learned that sorrow comes from only dark places, dark places being SATAN.
i learned that dark, un-peaceful, unwanted and temptations are from Satan himself.
Satan does not have complete control over us, but when he gets a grasp, the grasp becomes strong, he will take you for a wild ride. so when you're in a situation that you know is wrong, or a situation you don't want to be in, remember that by not removing yourself from it, is you giving into SATAN.  I was taught this week that keeping the spirit with us at all times will protect us from him. Keeping the spirit with us consists of being morally clean. what does this mean? this means that not only our own bodies are being kept sacred and pure, but our thoughts, our wardrobes, the movies we watch, the music we listen to.. this means that we withhold our standards and our morals, that we will stand against evil at all times, and in all places.

on tuesday i was able to goto the temple, to receive my endowments.
this was an amazing privilege.
and to be completely honest, i came out with one of the biggest headaches i've ever had. not because it was a bad experience, but because i was so overwhelmed with everything to take in.
i remember feeling so calm, and so peaceful, that even though i was nervous out of my mind, i was so calm at heart, and so peaceful at mind.
i remember putting my temple dress on, and looking in the mirror.
i knew at that moment, with no doubt in my mind, that i was a daughter of a King,
i knew that he loves me, that he thinks i'm a beautiful princess.
I love the temple, it is the biggest accomplishment in my life,
i want to go back weekly, and i promise to do just that.
**so lets talk about garments, shall we?**

from the date May 18, 2013 (my baptism date)
every pair of immodest clothing i had was out the door.
i know that this can be challenging; with friends around us with the next stylish look; but Jesus Christ does not care how stylish you are, he cares that you treat your body as if it were a temple.
i no longer wore immodest clothing, and from that, my desire to wear it lessened.
even to the point of being uncomfortable in a swimming suit, or short shorts for bedtime..
so when garments became my new topic, i was nervous, i didn't know if it would be a hard adjustment like every other lady had told me it had been for them.
but.. i'm proud to say that my wardrobe has not changed, the clothing that i wore before my garments, has not changed in the slightest. what a praising moment right?
for you girls, dress as if you were wearing garments, dress modestly, dress like your savior would want you to dress, protect your body and your "temple" of a body. the easiest change for me being endowed would be the garments, and this is because my intent before i began wearing garments.

one last thing;
i've been praying for a friend,
to soften his heart, to have a desire for the gospel,
to know of its truthfulness.
and no matter how much this one person expresses how little they believe or how little they want the gospel in their life, i have faith. i have a strong faith, that nothing will keep this truth from him.
so pray with me. fast with me. start this missionary journey with me, i need your help.



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