on all things Cheyenne. (life lately)

Haven't written in a while; so heres a little update on all things Cheyenne.

I am preparing to enter the Holy house of the Lord,
I'm going into that gorgeous white temple in the next couple of weeks,
YES! can you believe that?

this last week my bishop asked me to pray and think hard about who i might want to be my escort (since i do not have the opportunity to enter with my mom) this was actually a really hard decision. Like i have so many amazing women around me.. and picking just one that has been the most amazing inspiration.. that was tough. But once i knelt down to pray about it.. it was ever so clear. KIM! I've known Kim Ashton for the last two years, i nanny for her ever so beautiful family. I've grown so close to this gorgeous family. Kim was like my spiritual mother, the lady that guided me and expressed her concerns and praised me in the gospel. So truly, it didn't surprise me when Heavenly Father told me that she was the one. I asked Kim if that was something she would be interested in doing, and she ever so nicely accepted the offer. Not only accepted, but went above and beyond what she was ever expected to do. She asked me if she could take me shopping for everything, including my temple dress. Obviously i said yes. We went that same week, we picked out a couple of dresses with the lady whom works at 'Dressed in White'.. i tried on the one, which was a total no go, i didn't even go outside the dressing room to show it off. I tried on the second one, walked out of the dressing room, where Kim was waiting for me. She began to smile so big, and so bright, with small tears in her eyes. We both agreed that this was ONE HUNDRED percent the dress for me. As i looked in the mirror with that dress on, i could truly see all the beauty that my Heavenly Father had ever put into me. I felt like such an angel, like a princess, a true daughter of God. We chose shoes, and socks, slips and bags. Everything. We got to the counter, and Kim told me that i wasn't paying for any of it. SHE PAID FOR EVERYTHING! imagine that. I have been blessed with such a saint. Such a gorgeous woman of Christ. Wow. I can't even express what an amazing example this lady has been to me. So there it was, my gorgeous temple dress, the most beautiful thing i had ever laid eyes upon. and wow did i feel special in that.

So, NEXT WEEK people. Next week.

Before i get all preachy: this song explains it all. Not church related.

John 4;7 "Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God."

other than that. I've learned a lot.
the passed few months i've been going to school with this rather odd girl. (or so i thought). I nineteen year old girl, who never seemed to brush her hair. sounds weird right? Well, as you could imagine, i judged this amazingly beautiful daughter of God very harshly. Until today: when something happened to make me realize how badly i messed up. This young girl. I was able to hug her, and comfort her while she cried. I didn't know her situation, i didn't know where she came from, and i certainly never knew her story, or her trials. So why did i judge her? That's a question i can't answer, but one that i could tell you i was so completely wrong. This girl is amazing. She is going through so much in this time of her life, with nobody by her side.

I know, be disappointed in me, because i sure am.

But know, that each time you judge a person, that judgment is most likely very wrong, that one day, you will have a lesson learned, as i did today. You will feel completely ashamed and disappointed in yourself. So take this lesson from me: DO NOT JUDGE. We all have battles, and we're all going through more than what we portray. Don't assume that you know everything and every detail about one person, and all that their story has to offer.

John 13:34 "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as i have loved you, that ye also love one another."



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