on all things Cheyenne. (life lately)

Haven't written in a while; so heres a little update on all things Cheyenne. I am preparing to enter the Holy house of the Lord, I'm going into that gorgeous white temple in the next couple of weeks, YES! can you believe that? this last week my bishop asked me to pray and think hard about who i might want to be my escort (since i do not have the opportunity to enter with my mom) this was actually a really hard decision. Like i have so many amazing women around me.. and picking just one that has been the most amazing inspiration.. that was tough. But once i knelt down to pray about it.. it was ever so clear. KIM! I've known Kim Ashton for the last two years, i nanny for her ever so beautiful family. I've grown so close to this gorgeous family. Kim was like my spiritual mother, the lady that guided me and expressed her concerns and praised me in the gospel. So truly, it didn't surprise me when Heavenly Father told me that she was the one. I asked Kim if that...